OF The
Crystalline Grid
of Arkansas

Those receiving the call to visit the Sacred Ark
and walk the crystal fields will find a personal crystal imbued with the energy of the Golden Era of Atlantis. Indeed permission is granted and the crystals offer themselves to you for this and myriad purpose.
Archangel Metatron
Atlantis is a great hologramic lesson, for the memory of Atlantis is not just a healing. Indeed, for some it is a requisite healing, a necessary cleansing, but for others it is also a benevolent empowerment. It recalls a time when you walked in wisdom and harmony. 70% of all on the planet at this time experienced physicality there.
144 Crystalline Grid
“The activation of the consciousness is enhanced through the understanding of the grid.”
Archangel Metatron
The Crystalline Grid is the energetic lattice that covers our planet. It reflects and amplifies our ascending levels of consciousness. It is a crystalline 'light' matrix that was anchored in 1992, five years after the harmonic convergence.
It’s total activation involved 12 phases, with full resonant vibratory rate achieved on the 12-12-12 ...December 12, 2012.
The 'triple' dates ( 01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) that occurred uniquely for 12 years each carried numeric light codes that opened & activated each of the 12 major pentacle facets of this amazing template.visualize the grid as a geodesic sphere, of pentagons and triangles, sparkling as a faceted, brilliant diamond.
It is a seed crystal of new form, the double penta-dodecahedron. Its time has arrived, merkaba of Earthstar. The double penta dodecahedron has 144 facets, the number of Christ ascension. “
The original 12 Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. These were placed by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance at specific places on the earth in order to program and network energetic frequencies.
The Cosmic essence of the sun discs is 'coded' crystalline coherent light, the light of higher dimension. The energy of 'home'.
The 'Second Moon' of Atlantis was a Crystalline satellite that was the 'control device for the system .
There are 12 major ‘Discs’ Each of the 12 carry specific purpose and code, and each of the 12 feed 12 satellites…the 12 connecting to the 144 in a complex geo symmetry.
The Crystalline Grid serves like a transmitter for Cosmic Energy.
12-Primary Sun Disc·
Arkansas – Pinnacle Mountain· Brazil – Saint Tomas des Letres-· Minas Gerais· Bolivia – Lake Titicaca ( Near Island of the Sun)· Scotland – Roslyn Chapel· Russia -Ural Mtns· Russia – Siberia-Lake Baikal· Egypt – Giza· Africa – Kilimanjaro· China – Xi-an Pyramids· French Polynesia – Moorea· Australia- Uluru· Sri Lanka
Depending on the tilt of the Earth's axis at a particular time of the year, one Crysto Disc would function to intensify and transmit energies to others which would then act as receiving devices and would disperse energy as it was needed.
12 Satellites in North America
These Satellites are fed from the Mount Pinnacle,
Arkansas Crysto-Disc and include:
- Hawaii
- Denali, Alaska
- Lake O'Hara, BC, Canada
- Mt Shasta
- Needle Rock, Colorado
- Chitzen-Itza, Yucatan Mexico
- Monte Alban, Mexico
- Offshore-GoM, near Galveston, Tx
- Bimini
- Asheville, NC
- Herkimer, NY
- Gros Morne, Newfoundland, Canada